OPERATION NINEVEH First of all happy new year and sorry for the delay in keeping the site updated. I went away for several weeks to rest in the wilderness with the Lord and will be traveling again this year both nationally and internationally but will continue to have random meetings in the Perth reigon throughout the year.The first "NEW FOUNDATIONS CONFERENCE"of 2007 will be in the city of Geraldton at the Bundiyarra Aboriginal center, Eastwood rd on Jan 12th and 13th Western Australia Friday 7 to 930pm and saturday 10am to 4pm (bring a dish to share for lunch from 12.30 to 2pm)
Friday Nov 17th at The Well meeting in Perth YOU’RE FREEDOOM OR YOUR CAGE?
Word of the Lord
Do you like freedom my people? I am freedom, I am liberty, I am joy. I want you to be like me and like my spirit, says the Lord. The freedom of the world ends with grief and the grave and it is no more. But my people whom I set free shall know freedom forever more. Yes in these days I shall teach you what my freedom is, because you fly like a bird in a cage.
But listen, listen my people. The door is open so come out and fly with me. Let me show you my kingdom and not the cage you have lived in. Yes, now is the time to come out of where you have been. For my Spirit is moving to liberate you tonight. To set you free from yourself, so you shall know in the fullness of these days, who I am.
Yes, I say come my people, come and do not stay in the cage, of your minds that you have built and the bars you have put up to protect your hearts. That is not freedom! for I am not a God who lives in a cage or behind bars.
Come taste and see how good my freedom is because once you are out, out of your fears, out of your blindness, you shall never go back in. Come my people, come my people, come out of your cages and be with me.
It is coming (The outpouring of His “freedom blessing”) to His people first and then into the world. (The harvest) Tonight is a gift, do not throw it away! The blessing are only coming out side of the cage. It will only rain upon those that “come out” the rains and showers of blessing will only come on what is of His Spirit and not upon what is of your spirit. And if we corporately obey the Lord in our regions then showers of restoration will come upon our dry lands in the natural as a sign.1st Kings 8; 35-36
Let us all say together “I am not giving up my freedom”
Christopher Cole Operation Nineveh
At 9 am this morning Nov 17th 2006 at three Waller street in Rockingham Hilary Gallagher of Link ministry knocked on my door and said “quick, come quickly Christopher you have to come and see this” She took me out to my car in the front of the driveway and her mechanic was just three meters away repairing her van, The Lord had sent a rain shower about eight square meters. The rain only fell on my car and some ground but not on the other vehicles. This was witnessed by four people.(No rain fell anywhere else that day in the city.)
I have been talking for several months about rain being part of our inheritance and as a sign from God. Explaining the drought in scripture mentioning that if there is no repentance from the body no rain will come and that the drought reflects the true Spiritual condition of the nation and the body of Christ. Because if we were in His will according to His word there would be plenty of rain. 2nd Ch 2; 26-27. (Unfortunately many denominations and ministers do not believe this in NT doctrine and I hope things do not have to get worse before things can change in our nations. ) You chose what you would like in your region, STORMS OF JUDGMENT OR SHOWERS OF BLESSING AND RESTORATION” either way they will come in these days .
I would also suggest that you read your own bibles and not depend on just what ministers say including myself and testing the Spirit of every word ( Ist Th5;21) This is part of Spiritual maturity and growing up in the Lord. Because you are all called to be ministers and messengers of the gospell.Read Heb 5;11-14
What is coming to Australia is mentioned in Amos 4;7;8 if there is no change or understanding of the Lord’s will and heart in this time.
Just weeks before at the Western Australia Northam conference I spoke at on Oct 13th and 14th the exact minute the conference was over it poured with rain and they had not had any rain for a long time.
I believe these are manifest signs of God’s presence bearing witness to the truth that was spoken telling us of the showers of blessings coming upon the obedient and faithful body that is in His will.
I also see this as redemption because of the many false accusations and slander that have arisen to try and silence and halt the prophetic truth of God’s Holy Spirit that has been released in these territories. So rejoice in your persecution for signs shall follow the true messengers of the Lord in these days, you could say this is also a season of the restoration of “signs wonders and miracles as the Lords remnant become more humble and wiser to what the Lord is really doing in this time.
After the Rockingham Higher levels conference the same thing happened on Nov 24th and 25th but this time the Lord took the blessings from a car wash to a city wash and the most rain fell in Rockingham and the Perth region for many many weeks.
According to the word of God in James 5 17-18 when today’s Prophets such as Elijah ( IN THE OFFICE OF A PROPHET) move in the will of God hearing and understanding God’s voice , authority can be released over weather patterns. When believers have humbled themselves and are obedient to the prophetic voice of the Holy Spirit through God’s anointed and appointed prophets change can come. Blessing instead of judgment.
(When we are out of God’s will as a body in our region then our authority in Christ only become powerless words)
.This was the case with hundreds of thousand of precious saints who believed they could stop hurricane Katrina, which I prophesied would come in July of 2000 while I was in New Orleans if there was not true repentance in that region. (This was all recorded on Video tape too at that time on location because of the immense doubt, unbelief and ignorance towards what prophets do and who they really are in the NT.)
No longer will the Lord accept His people moving in His permissive will as in the last millennium. His grace has shifted to a greater grace of His perfect will in this millennium. And no longer will He accept our Spiritual and prophetic ignorance as in the last season.
Either the true body of Christ cross pollinates with the true apostles and prophets of God as in the NT church so we are all in one Spirit and accord or they will face the consequence of being a dived house and kingdom in this time Matt12;25
ACTS 17; 30 truly these times of ignorance God has overlooked but know commands that all men everywhere repent.A DOUBLE SIGN
But the most amazing sign happened Just yesterday on Dec the 18TH at 8.36 am the Lord sent a second rain shower on my car on a perfectly dry day again in the city. This time it was a 2 meter by 1 meter rain shower which only hit on the roof and boot of my car. Hilary came again with tears in her eyes and said, “look the Lord has done it again”.
I believe these are just the beginning of true signs that will follow the true apostolic prophetic five fold body of Jesus Christ who have come out of tradition and structure to build His Kingdom for His glory. I believe those of you who are not bound to man or religion in your churches are about to see far greater signs of the outpouring of His Holy Spirit and presence in these days. These are just a forerunner signs of what is about to come upon His loyal corporate kingdom body who serve Him and not man! A people who put Jesus first and not their church leaders or denomination.
If you are such a person or kingdom ministry then you have a lot to look forward to in 2007. You will be going into a higher level and a higher place in the Kingdom next year.
2006 A year of getting our hearts right with the Lord through deep repentance and many trials and challenges ( The Lord testing the new character and changes in us) On the test track with Jesus before we go onto the Highway of Holiness in 2007 ISA 35;8-9
2007 The reward and judgment of our obedience and disobedience... Both individually and corporately in our regions. The release of our inheritance and the beginning of the harvest in the west. (Either a flood of satan will quickly come in or a flood and outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit)
Where we do not stand as one body satan will stand in that place as with Fiji for example a divided Christian kingdom that went back to the old ways after the Lord transformed this beautiful nation for His glory.
2008 A new beginning in our regions either for the kingdom of God or the kingdom of satan depending on how we have responded to God’s will and heart in our nations, cities, ministries and homes.
As I have told many of you these last three months of 2006 are both crucial and critical for us all to get our hearts right with the Lord in preparation for 2007, because the first level of the new foundation in the plan and purpose of God’s Holy Spirit is being laid among His body world wide that have humbled themselves through repentance and many testings. And what is pure, wise and understanding of His Spirit and time will be
Poured out upon.A PRAYER FOR YOU IN 2007
May His sweet and all powerful Holy Spiirt pour out upon you and your obedience in 2007 I pray you will both find and live in the perfect will of God in your reigon so showers of blessings will come forth instead of great judgments .Your brother in Christ Christopher Cole