Monday, March 01, 2010




12,17pm Manado Indonesia Thursday February 25th 2010

As I have travelled around the world with the Lord He has voiced His disapproval about the way many Christians and religious people have portrayed Him in paintings and art work. This is what He said to me for all of us to hear.

“I do not like the way many people portray Me. I was a happy man upon this earth and I am a happy Son of God.I laugh, I smile and I am full of joy.

People have painted me as a “dull boring, serious and religious Jesus.” They feel sad, guilty, condemned or get very serious, but I came to set you free and give you abundant life says your happy and joyful Lord.

Yes remember My resurrection”My people” not just My death. Live in My hope and not in My suffering for I died to set you free. Let it not be in vain!

So rejoice with Me ,praise and worship Me, but most of all smile and laugh with Me and each other too.

I want to have fun with you and when you are happy, I am happy! So live life with your head up and not down” says Jesus your happy savior and Lord

Neh 8;10 NKJ Do not grieve for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

QUESTION. Jesus how strong is my joy? Is it real joy? Does it end with one problem, disagreement or if someone upsets Me? How mature is My joy in the Lord ?Does my joy make you happy Jesus? Is it like your joy?

1st Pet 1;;5-6 NET But rejoice in the degree that you have shared in the sufferings of Christ so that when His glory is revealed you may also rejoice and be glad.

QUESTION. Jesus am I still able to rejoice when I suffer or am persecuted or tested like the apostle Paul when He was in prison.? Or do I stop rejoicing like a child over silly little things that upset me? Jesus does My rejoicing glorify you enough does it reflect your character in me?

Ps 132 KJ I will also cloth her priests with salvation and her saints shall shout aloud with joy.

THOUGHT. You cannot shout aloud with real freedom & joy with sin in your heart or fear in your head.A mature & true Christian never rejoices or mocks over the suffering of another no matter what they have done.

QUESTION.Jesus am I living in mature happiness like you. I am happy to receive correction? Am I happy to be told when I am wrong or if someone lets me down? Do I reject anyone who disagrees with me?

THOUGHT. Jesus teach me to forgive like you did on the cross and said “ forgive them father they know not what they do” Then I will have become free just like you and my joy will never be robbed again.

CONCLUSION. The devil cannot defeat the “happy army of God but a sad army he tramples all over. Be determined to make God happy and not the devil. Let the mature joy of the Lord be your strength ,today, tomorrow and forevermore. Love as He loves and laugh as He laughs.

When you smile you win when the devil laughs at your defeat he has won. He hates happy and joyful Christians so smile and laugh often live and be like the “happy Son of God” this is your fathers will for you to be happy sons and daughters of God no matter what you face in the future smile with Him & be confident in Him.

I pray the kingdom happiness, laughter and joy of Jesus Christ will always be within your heart & upon your face reflecting Him and His charter in you giving others hope too, your brother in Christ Christopher Cole


Blogger kara said...

Wow!! Yes yes yes, I appropriate this in my life right now. I choose to be a happy daughter of God. I choose to put a smile on my face and laugh with my Lord come what may.
Thank you so much for sharing and I'm looking forward to learning from you this Sat at Oikos Singapore and with U 2 :)

7:51 PM  
Blogger WJG said...

Where are you Chris Cole? No blogs for 3 years?? We left Perth 2008 and are now back in Canada.
Judith & Wallace G.

8:04 AM  

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