Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Matthew 6;33 seek first the kingdom of God and all things will be added unto you( Miracles, signs , wonders, breakthroughs and unexpected blessings)
October 9th 2006

This true story is fresh out of the Holy Spirit oven. I watched the Lord manifest an incredible little miracle yesterday which I had the privilege to be part off and in all honesty had no idea what was about to happen. I saw in this miracle how God cares about every little detail in our lives which we should not take lightly at any time.

When I need a little quiet wilderness time with the Lord to rest and recharge there are several areas by the beach in Rockingham that I often go too. But yesterday I felt a strong urge to go to an area I never go to. And when I got to the beach car park I found out why.

I had my professional camera in the car but it had been broken for three weeks. The Holy Spirit told me to go and try it again; I was amazed it was working again. (Jesus repaired it for me) So I decided to take some photos of the seagulls flying in the setting sun. A couple pulled up at that exact time and saw what I was trying to do and asked if they could help by making the gulls take off the ground and fly in the air for me, So I thanked them and said” yes” and they made a comment that they “love photography too” which has been my profession for many years.

Then they left and went to sit on the rocks and watch the sunset. The Lord told me to photograph their silhouette against the ocean and setting sun then go and show them the pictures and give them my photography business card. He also told me to give them a CD copy of the photos free of charge.

They were totally stunned and amazed when they saw the digital images because that day they lost their camera after dropping a friend of at the airport and she recently mentioned to her husband how she would love a silhouette sunset photo of them together by the ocean. They had also been taking about getting a digital camera. I researched that very week into getting a small compact digital camera that could take professional quality stock and library photos because of my previously broken camera ,so I already knew what to advice them to get.

The Lord told me that he allowed them to lose their old film camera because He wanted to bless them with a new one and as long as they had the old one they were less motivated to get a new digital camera. But the Lord wanted to get them a new camera now, so He used me as the vehicle to encourage and reveal His will to them.

I told them this was a divine appointment from God and they said they were Christians too. So I prayed with them in the car park and then left laughing and pondering on this detailed Miracle from God.
In one little moment The Lord made a life changing impact on the precious souls of Graham and Sonia on Oct 8th, eight being the biblical number of “NEW BEGINNINGS” The Lord also told me that they really needed to be encouraged that day. So in a matter of minutes this is what He did;
He caused;
1 their faith to shoot up to a new and higher level.
2 showed how much He loved them by answering every small detail in there desire and request
3 sent a messenger to fulfill His will.
4 created a heart foundation for new beginnings in their lives
5 Took away what was old so He could begin something new and better for them.
6 And sent the very best to represent His kingdom (a professional photographer free of charge)
7 The Lord sends encouragement exactly when it is needed
8 Messengers are always needed.
9 Little miracles can cause a very big life changing impact in the lives of others.
10 Always be open and willing to bless others for Jesus and build His kingdom

Building God’s kingdom is very simple and uncomplicated; it can happen in any way at any time. You can also be part of both small and big miracles for others. If we live beyond ourselves free of mindsets and keep an open and willing heart to serve our Lord Jesus Christ He will use you when you least expect it.

Do not allow fear or lies to hold you back from blessing others (rebuke the demons that speak into your thoughts) and what ever you do for the Lord do it in unconditional love with no strings or personal motive attached except to glorify His name.
Live to serve and be a blessing and He will most certainly use you.


I pray that you will be and abundant unconditional blessing in the lives of countless precious souls upon this earth who need the Lord’s encouragement and love. I pray that The Lord will take away any walls that stop you building His kingdom wherever you may go. Remember little or big miracles are an extension of God’s love through willing vessels like me and you... Your brother in Christ Christopher Cole


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