Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Tuesday 27th June 2006 Perth

The Lord revealed tonight that He has released His inheritance into His “obedient corporate body “ and that we are to be ready to receive our blessings with open arms of belief for it will soon come. This inheritance is multi purpose it is to equip the saints to pioneer and build the “FIVE FOLD KINGDOM AND ARMY OF THE LORD’ connecting His WORLDWIDE HIGHWAY OF HOLINESS (Isaiah 35; 8-9)
These blessings will come upon those that have really hungered for the Lord and His will to be done in their lives. This inheritance includes; PROVISION, HEALING, RESTORATION, SALVATION, INCREASE OF KNOWLEDE AND TRUTH AND RELEASE INTO THE MIRACULOUS. There were four refined areas in character and Spirit that described who and where His inheritance would come too and upon:

1 WISDOM (A body that walks in obedient love knowledge and understanding of God’s will)
2 PURITY (A people that live in the heart and mind of Christ who love righteousness and truth)
3 HUMILITY (A broken and healed repentant body that is set free from self who live to serve)
4 INTEGRITY (A loyal dependable trustworthy people, devoted and dedicated to build God’s kingdom)


My inheritance is coming quickly, behold it will come upon the obedient of my people. Behold it is coming quickly! Yes My reward has been released, so hold out your hands, you who believe and you shall receive My reward for your faithfulness. But the faithless shall inherit the wind from among My flocks. For their hearts are empty but yet they praise Me, says the Lord your God. But you who praise Me in truth shall be given My reward. So expect to receive and it will come!
But know My reward is for My Kingdom and not yours. My reward is at hand Oh you of a faithful and true heart who love Me and the wisdom of My word
Yes you shall receive your inheritance now, says the Lord your God
Ezekiel 47; 14; “You shall inherit it equally with one another, for I raised up My hand in an oath to give it to your fathers and this land shall fall to you as your inheritance.”

(Note that this is the season and time chosen by the Lord to release what He has promised. I see it as an “OPEN WINDOW OF INHERITANCE” in the Spirit” But I also saw that those who disobeyed the Lord would reap great Judgment upon themselves for the wind they have sown.

Hosea 8; 7; They sow the wind and shall reap the whirlwind. The stalk has no bud, it shall never produce meal. If it should produce, aliens would swallow it up.

This “Nineveh time clock of repentance “(Jonah 3; 4) in each territory is running out and will soon reveal what the body of Christ has done both corporately and individually. Either the book of Jonah will open through repentance or the book of Nahum will open upon ignorance, disobedience and rebellion to God’s word. (Hosea 4; 6) Either” RAINS OF BLESSING OR STORMS OF JUDGMENT WILL COME” in an unprecedented global chain reaction.
This brief assessment time that God has given will soon globally begin to end. Let us pray that a” DEEP REVELATION OF REPENTACE “that bears Godly fruit will be released upon His body and the unsaved alike (Jonah 3; 5-10). Remember Jesus is on a “RESCUE MISSION” in this season of harvest and judgment and He will do whatever it takes to save as many souls as possible even if it means their cities and idols have to be destroyed first. In the Lord’s love and truth of His Spirit Christopher Cole.
WEBSITE ; http://www.operationnineveh.com/ EMAIL chris@operationnineveh.com


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