Why has the body of Christ not awaken from her sleep?
Why has the body of Christ not awaken from her sleep?
And how to avoid falling into spiritual slumber.
By Christopher Cole Thursday Dec 21st 2005
Dear precious Saints of God I pray this message will touch your heart in such a way that not only will you seek our Lord Jesus Christ in what to do but you will also act upon what He tells you to do! Because faith without works is dead. And if we are so busy doing other things that we forget or don’t do what He wants us to do, what purpose will that serve and what excuse shall we give Him for not listening or obeying His WILL when disaster suddenly comes upon our lands far greater than we have seen before?
As I have been traveling in six different nations in the last six months on a prophetic and practical mandate from God to help build His Highway of Holiness(ISA 35; 8-9) and connect disaster relief networks together as one body.
I have seen a distinct pattern among God’s beautiful people of all races and nationalities across all denominations. In many cases over 90% are still fast asleep particularly in the west, Spiritually continuing life as normal living like we are still in the past millennium season. My concern is that so few are prepared or are preparing for what is just ahead of us with the full blown shaking of the nations are about to take place(Hag 2-7) in the power of the “Leviticus 26;18-20 Judgments”
Even many of the remnant who have heard the message and see the truth spoken through Gods prophets (Amos 3-7) concerning the times are doing little or nothing to be fully prepared practically or Spiritually for this season of HARVEST AND JUDGMENT that is about to arrive in full force.(Joel 3;9-14)
If those in His body stop despising true prophecy and fearing prophets or the prophetic move of God’s Holy Spirit in this generation then a new living five fold kingdom foundation can be laid(Eph2;20)
I sense that in 2006 and 2007 we are going to see a chain reaction across the globe of many events that are about to take place on a scale we have not seen before.
In July 2000 I video taped on location in New Orleans and spoke into the microphone what I saw through OPEN VISIONS and Katrina fulfilled that five years later. The Lord told me that every Sodom and Gomorrah city is going to come into Sodom and Gomorra judgments and that the Lord will do anything to save their precious souls and turn them back to Him before it is too late.
The Lord will not delay His judgments any more because millions upon millions of lives will not make it into the kingdom of God if they still live being focused on the lusts of their heart and flesh living in idolatry to mammon and man. And it is because of this spiritually idolatry among many churches that a divided house cannot stand in this NEW SEASON and time.
Many have misunderstood the grace of God in the past millennium believing that they were in the perfect will of God among their congregations. Hurricane Andrew was the first sign the Lord brought to His people when many hundreds of thousands of precious praying saints could not stop Andrew for coming. The Lord was saying you are out of my will back then and has said the same thing again with Katrina.
We cannot blame the world for any of these hurricanes from hitting because only His true body living in humility and five fold unity AS SERVANTS in their territories have the authority to stop such things from happening. The world does not have the authority we have been Spiritually given over all things. We have to repent of being spiritually lazy and living in our false comfort zones and prophetically evangelize and warn the unsaved of our towns and cities about what is to come and do as Jonah did.
Will you be the Jonah to the Nineveh of your city and neighborhood or will you sit in silence and fear the world? It is our own actions that will show God how much you really love the Lord and if you love Him then you will love and reach the lost of this world and not fear man.
It is no good sounding big and mighty in your congregations and living silently in the world.
I had to repent of every fear and cowardly sin in the past that kept me silent from preaching and reaching the lost in love back then. The Lord then gave me the opportunity every time to get right and so will He with you.
His will is that none should perish in your city and neighborhood in this season of Judgment and Harvest soon to come and if we really love the Lord like we say we do then we will do something about it! Just like the person who cared enough to lead you to the Lord!
The Lord is speaking into my Spirit right now and saying to you “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME WHERE YOU LIVE do they even know that you are a Christian by your faith walk or have you been silent and afraid?
The Lord called His body “THE SLEEPING BEAUTIE” because many are under the spell of traditions and doctrines of men among their denominations and only a remnant have stepped out from the blindness and darkness they have been under (Isa 42). Many are still spell bound and trapped in prosperity messages and worship mammon in the Lord’s name. While others are blinded by religious and Jezebel Spirits that seduce and deceive there souls through emotional control and manipulation.
But the funny thing is that most do not believe this is about them but rather about others and give such warnings or words none or little attention (Isa58;1-4). One thing is for sure the power of pride will deceive any man or woman unless they walk in humility and purity of the Holy Spirit no matter how well they may know and teach on God’s word.
Even the Apostolic Jezebel and prophetic Spirits teaching and leading some of God’s people(Rev2.20-23) believe they are going to heaven and serve the Lord but Matthew 7;21-23 declares them “I then I will declare to them, I never even knew you; depart from me”. I have believed things in the past that were totally wrong because I did not test what my teachers or leaders told me in the five fold and only when we test the Spirit of all things can we avoid coming under the spell of a religious spirit or teaching that millions may believe is right
The safest thing any Christian can do is repent especially if they think they know it all or nothing is wrong with them because the Lord will always expose what needs to be changed in us right to the very end if we allow Him to be that close with us leading our lives in all areas.
Is He the Lord of your finance or is mammon your Go?
. Many will be tested in this season of “HARVEST AND JUDGMENT” who their Lord really is both in the church and in the world! If you follow leaders of His body more than you follow Jesus in your personal life you will live in fear when the greater earth quakes and hurricanes come and far worse bombs explode in your home land but if Jesus is truly your Lord 24 hours a day seven days a week then you are in good hands, for the season of Matthew 24 is here.
If you are living to serve God and others for His glory alone without any pay me plan or motive like a sales man then you will not be found ASLEEP like many are who follow the wrong God’s. And if you have listened and heard your masters voice to be prepared and ready then surely your breakthrough will come.
And if you want to be extra safe and not live in deception ask the Lord to lead you to “mature discerning Christians” who are not “politically correct men pleasers or users”, Servants who fear and love the Lord with all their heart and ask them to do maintenance check ups upon your soul and help you confront the difficulties that you need to overcome.(Yes there are some out there)
Stay humble enough to receive correction when you are wrong and be forgiving enough when they are wrong, because they are not perfect either just like you or I.
Examine your walk daily with the Lord. Be accountable with those that love you enough to tell you the truth no matter what you have done or go through and will help make you into a “ TRUE CHAMPION” instead of a foolish or blind “SLEEPING BEAUTIE”.
Remember if people cannot see your heart then neither can they see or understand you. And the only way you can see someone’s heart is to ask God to show you their hear .If your own heart and motive is right first then you will see as He sees if you don’t judge them by the outward appearance like men and women often do.
Look for the treasure in them and not the treasure that they have or have not, if you really want to be pure and discerning like the Lord. (Ist Sam 16;7)
Let us hope and pray that none will be asleep when sudden disaster comes(Isa 29;5-6) but be awake and gather the new souls of HIS KINGDOM with nets ready in our hands and hearts filled with His love.(Luke5;6-7)
Bless you precious saints of God Christopher Cole
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