5pm Saturday July 28th
Proverbs 29;2 NKJ When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked man rules the people groan .
Daniel 7; 25 Living bible .He will defy the Most High God, and wear down the saints with persecution, and try to change all laws ,morals ,and customs
As I sat in my car in Perth a powerful anointing came and the Holy Spirit spoke this letter into my heart for a meeting that night. It is a letter of concern, wisdom, warning fact and revelation. And then the Lord said; “it is for the nation” and “to send it out”
It is not a thus says the Lord letter but a practical letter with common sense facts written simply that all can understand. It is written from a deep concern, sense and love of God’s heart and feeling towards us and our nation. I pray you will wake up and hear the warning of the hour we are now in as far greater grace and judgments will now come forth in this season and time Christopher Cole
They are not equal rights when the rights of parents are taken away as in Europe where the government now decide who educates your children! When states and governments decide how to educate your children through special interest groups, that nation has just entered into communism.
These elections will determine just how far communism in Australia will go, this may be your last chance and breath of real freedom if many Australians continue to live in blindness of what is going on behind their backs, lives and families.
If we do no not rise up together now but sit in silence all our children will pay the price for our silence, fear and lack of concern. I believe if we love our nation and our children we will not allow it to be robbed by any government, minority or interest groups and lobbies that want to change our children and lives as communists and dictators have done in other countries. Wake up! It is now here too!
The news media is no longer a free press, they are told what to say and how to educate you one program at a time. Then one day soon this great nation filled with kind generous Aussie hearts who stand up and fight for the under dogs will become the under dogs themselves.
We will be put on a leash and told how to sit, stand and what to say by those who rule over us. Unless we break our silence now and join our hearts, faith, families and prayers together and rise up as one, then neither will this land or our lives be ours anymore. This is the hour we are in.
We must not fight this war with hate deception and lies as others do to us, but with love .For God blessed our nation, families, children and this land, through His Spirit of boldness courage and truth. This is the day for the true Australian spirit to rise up and protect our freedom and liberty once again, it is time to be wise, find out and expose what has been done to all of us and protect our rights liberty and lives before it is to late.
For this is a time where we all need each others help to win unless we become the underdog too. Why be leashed by unfair and cruel laws to us and our children when we do not have to let this happen? Now the decision is in your hands my dear Aussie friends.
Some will call you bigots, homophobic, hate mongers, intolerant and others will try and threaten your lives for this is the only way they know to try and win or change laws through forced power, hate and deceit. But only you can give them that victory through fear, silence and intimidation.
If you do not come out and do what you know is right within your heart then we will all suffer. There is a price to pay to protect our freedom, beliefs and faith in this land whether you are religious or not we all love our children and so does God and if we love them enough to protect them we will neither be silent or ignorant in this hour great darkness and deception has come to our land.
5pm Saturday July 28th
Proverbs 29;2 NKJ When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked man rules the people groan .
Daniel 7; 25 Living bible .He will defy the Most High God, and wear down the saints with persecution, and try to change all laws ,morals ,and customs
As I sat in my car in Perth a powerful anointing came and the Holy Spirit spoke this letter into my heart for a meeting that night. It is a letter of concern, wisdom, warning fact and revelation. And then the Lord said; “it is for the nation” and “to send it out”
It is not a thus says the Lord letter but a practical letter with common sense facts written simply that all can understand. It is written from a deep concern, sense and love of God’s heart and feeling towards us and our nation. I pray you will wake up and hear the warning of the hour we are now in as far greater grace and judgments will now come forth in this season and time Christopher Cole
They are not equal rights when the rights of parents are taken away as in Europe where the government now decide who educates your children! When states and governments decide how to educate your children through special interest groups, that nation has just entered into communism.
These elections will determine just how far communism in Australia will go, this may be your last chance and breath of real freedom if many Australians continue to live in blindness of what is going on behind their backs, lives and families.
If we do no not rise up together now but sit in silence all our children will pay the price for our silence, fear and lack of concern. I believe if we love our nation and our children we will not allow it to be robbed by any government, minority or interest groups and lobbies that want to change our children and lives as communists and dictators have done in other countries. Wake up! It is now here too!
The news media is no longer a free press, they are told what to say and how to educate you one program at a time. Then one day soon this great nation filled with kind generous Aussie hearts who stand up and fight for the under dogs will become the under dogs themselves.
We will be put on a leash and told how to sit, stand and what to say by those who rule over us. Unless we break our silence now and join our hearts, faith, families and prayers together and rise up as one, then neither will this land or our lives be ours anymore. This is the hour we are in.
We must not fight this war with hate deception and lies as others do to us, but with love .For God blessed our nation, families, children and this land, through His Spirit of boldness courage and truth. This is the day for the true Australian spirit to rise up and protect our freedom and liberty once again, it is time to be wise, find out and expose what has been done to all of us and protect our rights liberty and lives before it is to late.
For this is a time where we all need each others help to win unless we become the underdog too. Why be leashed by unfair and cruel laws to us and our children when we do not have to let this happen? Now the decision is in your hands my dear Aussie friends.
Some will call you bigots, homophobic, hate mongers, intolerant and others will try and threaten your lives for this is the only way they know to try and win or change laws through forced power, hate and deceit. But only you can give them that victory through fear, silence and intimidation.
If you do not come out and do what you know is right within your heart then we will all suffer. There is a price to pay to protect our freedom, beliefs and faith in this land whether you are religious or not we all love our children and so does God and if we love them enough to protect them we will neither be silent or ignorant in this hour great darkness and deception has come to our land.
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