Thursday, July 05, 2007




Romans 1; 22 Professing to be wise they became fools.
The news that the news and a politically owed media will not tell you and a gospel that a corrupt, controlling religious church do not want you to see or learn! (Truth, history, science and scripture that has been hidden from you. Why? When? How?) It is time to exchange worldly ignorance with Godly wisdom and discern fact from fiction both in the body and the world alike

When new government and news laws come they affect every life either for better or worse. Laws change lives! It is important that we all understand the new laws that Kevin Rudd has vowed to pass and existing laws that John Howard has vowed to protect that have blessed and prospered our great nation Australia and made it what it is today

Our loyalty should never be to any party but to wisely seek candidates that will both protect and help secure the future of Australia and America alike by doing what is morally and ethically right for us and our children. Traditional families need to consider both supporting traditional family government such as the “family first party or the Howard government” Who uphold the vast majority of heterosexual family values of male female relationships and marriages in our nations today.

The British public did not heed or see what was coming and now by law four and five year old children are forced by law to read gay fairy tales from the book “king & king.” A labor government under Tony Blair passed new bills under homophobic laws as criminal acts because traditional families did not speak up but the gay political lobby did .
It is now against the law in England for traditional families religious or non religious to discriminate against how their children are taught by government. Kevin Rudd has vowed to change our education system in a similar way as Tony Blair has done. Will you allow this to happen? See the facts for yourself by his own words that the media has hidden from you.

These meetings this month will reveal evidence; documented facts from both candidates and you will have to decide what is best for your families, children and our nation.
Your decisions and actions will determine what will happen to Australia in this time. Truly the future is in our hands depending on what we do or do not do according to the will of God.

Historically evil and corrupt governments have taken over democratic countries when good people do nothing or they perish for the lack of knowledge. We are both naive and ignorant if we do not believe this can happen to Australia in these coming elections and end times we are now living in.

. I will teach on the” three weapons of corruption” chosen by western government today to secretly take away the freedom and liberty of both Australian’s and Americans.

Reveal new laws that deceitful politicians and parties want to pass like they have already done in Europe “Under a false banner of equal rights, discrimination, and fear tactics through Global warming and terrorism “ And reveal both the scientific facts and political evidence along with prophecy and scripture that will leave nothing for our imagination.

We all need to discern the church that trusts God from the church that trusts man and good from evil in government today! Extra busyness Fear, panic, doubt and anxiety has never resolved anything but hope, trust and obedience in waiting on God’s will to walk with His heart has transformed both lives and nations alike.

I believe the Lord birthed you in your mother’s womb for such a time as now. He completely trusts in how He has made you and who you are made to become in Christ. It is time for you to become who you have been made to be and turn every fear, doubt and lie into truth and faith. Truly it is time! both yours and the Lord’s to rise up together FOR THE WAR WITHIN HAS COME into our homes lands and lives Christopher Cole

Presented by the Redeemed Christian church of God in Perth at the Aqualife center, Somerset Street, East Victoria Park
Rev16; 14 For they are spirits of demons performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and the whole world. 1st Cor15;33 Do not be deceived;”evil company corrupts good habits.” Dan 7; 25 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High And shall intend to change times and law.

1. KILLING TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE. Will we allow the rape of Australia’s and America’s freedom and liberty to happen in these coming elections? How to protect and secure our future, our nations and our children from these evil deceptions and days we are now in.

2. THE DANGER OF NEW GOVERNMENT AND NEW LAWS EXPOSED. When new government pass new laws they affect and change every life. Do not be ignorant of new laws that will rape the innocence and steal the childhood from our children. See the facts of what has already happened in Europe and the hidden plans and agenda of a new labor government motivated and supported by both the gay lobby and political media. If elected how will this affect your children?

3. WHO & WHAT IS PLAYING BEHIND THE SCREEN OF YOUR TV? How did the BBC in England nearly cause Briton to lose the 2nd world war.? Winston Churchill VS the BBC and the prophets of God who the media and the church mock and reject today.

How is the same pattern of history forming in the pulpit and media of today? Why was Kevin Rudd’s priority in the USA to meet Rupert Murdock instead of government? Answer; He released that the lies, doctrine & power of a politically owned and run media often speaks louder than truth and government alike.. Will Australia follow Europe on the highway to hell through anti Christ government in the future? How can we avoid becoming part of Eurpoes prophetic destiny?

4. WHERE’S THE WOLF? Hitler cried wolf when there was no wolf, he created a wolf out of the Jewish people that did not exist by using the media. How is the same brainwashing happening in Europe, America and Australia today and how is it being done? Are we too busy, distracted or not bothered about losing our freedom?

5. WHY DO MANY CHURCHES TODAY RUN AND HIDE FROM GOD’S WILL? Five reasons why 95 to 98% of the western church today are living in denial and blindness to God’s will and truth in major key areas that could restore our nations back to God.. What are they? And how will the Lord overcome this through you. and a remnant that will listen and obey His voice and will? Key scriptures & the prophetic signs. Why is 2007 a crossroads year?

7. GLOBAL WARMING A FAVORITE SECRET WEAPON AGAINST YOU TODAY! Was in carbon emissions or sin emissions? The truth about Global warming in scripture, prophecy, history and science. Exposing the hoax and the truth. Facts about volcanoes and bog swamps that corrupt power hungry governments do not want you to know! ( Putting out the fire of fear by taking away the fuel of ignorance1)

8 THE UNDERGROUND CHURCH OF THE WEST HAS BEGUN! How has the underground church in western culture already begun?. The secret agenda of the new world order church and government to deceive you, the world and body of Christ. Are you awake to the reality why is Europe no longer a democracy? How has government used reversal physiology on you? How does the anointed attack, the anointed in our churches today (Christian witchcraft exposed)

9. THE GAY POLITICAL SPEARHEAD. Understand the deception of new equal rights and discrimination laws to silence you and traditional families in Australia and America today. Both Hilary Clinton and Kevin Rudd follow a book that is not written by God or man. What kind of equal rights are they? Under the deception of homophobic hate laws traditional and religious heterosexual families are the true targets new “hate crimes” Is it not time to WAKE UP & DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS?

10. MINISTRIES OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER TODAY. Who is the voice of seduction in our homes, churches and the world? Today? Understanding the character of the pioneering, confident, bold, diligent, evil and deceptive Jezebel spirit.

Evidence of the queen of heaven and the beast in government and our churches today? Will you; run, hide, mock, live in denial or face the truth and overcome in Christ? The pathway to the everlasting kingdom are you on it? Why do religious hypocrites believe they are going to heaven?

11. BABYLON, HITLER & THE EU TODAY. Why has Babylon been rebuilt in Germany and Hitler’s headquarters fully restored. When did the government move into Hitler’s old headquarters What have Angela Merkel head of the EU and G8 have in common with Adolph Hitler world war one ,two and the beginning of world war three to come. The answer is a simple as 1, 2, and 3. If you know prophecy, history and the facts!

12. PRACTICALWISDOM AND STEPS WE CAN TAKE Learn how, to secure Australia’s future and destiny in God’s will in this coming election through prayer and taking action. Take the truth outside of the church that does not want to listen or hear what God is saying Pass information on to those that do not know. Growing beyond the church walls to build God’s kingdom in our world today.

Go to your neighbours and in your work place or the market place not as some super spiritual human being but humble yourself to a level where they can understand or relate to you with no strings attached and ask the Lord to give you the wisdom to share and speak the truth to them.
If we truly love God, our nation and people we will no longer be a silent & fearful voice I have said many times we can either be Christians or cowards but we cannot be and live as both in God's kingdom


Blogger Margaret Leow said...

Dear Prophet Christopher Cole,

I'm Margaret, the one whom you handed your namecard at the first day of your message at City Missions Church in Singapore, and attended your session at Oikes Church or Geyland Bless God Ministry.

In Singapore, we have to prepare for end times, (even when the mark of the Beast of 666). About 80% of Christians live in government high rise HDB flats.

1) How are we to set up our own underground water pipe?

2) How are we to have our own solar system to generate electricity?

3) How are we to rear chicken?

4) Can we rear edible fish in fish tanks in real life?

5) About 70% of Singaporean Christians buy HDB flats by HDB loan and about 60% of Christians buyers are still paying the mortgage for many more years to come. How are we to clear our debt?

Thanks for your reply. The Holy Spirit bless you and your family.

From Margaret Leow
Hp: +65 96733850
Blk 262 Serangoon Central Drive #04-95 Singapore 550262

7:08 AM  
Blogger Margaret Leow said...

Dear Pastor Christopher Cole,

How are we, living in HDB in Singapore, to plant our crop, vegetable and fruit?

Perhaps we can plant sweet potato, potato, sweet potato leaves, in pots of soil. With what fertilizer?

I appreciate your feedback.

The Lord Yahweh bless you.

Always in The Holy Spirit's Love,
Margaret Leow

7:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw your interview on KHCE in San Antonio, Texas, USA and I echo what the previous bloggers have stated.

As it is now, I can't pay for my medications and I don't qualify (disabled)for federal or state programs. I have no $$$ to save and live from paycheck to paycheck.

I TOTALLY agree with your message that America as we know it is coming to an end and to prepare as Noach did but how does someone who is barely making it financially because of health problems prepare the "bridal ark" and prepare provisions?

May Adoshem bless you and may His message be heard to those who have ears to hear.

Ezra, A Messianic Jew

2:45 AM  

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