Thursday, July 05, 2007


Thursday July the 4th 2007 by Christopher Cole

Oh Lord Jesus give us the grace, will and strength to walk away from the sins transgressions and iniquities that our flesh loves and the power to walk free in your Holy anointing each day according to the fathers will.
Let no fear or confusion have any hold over my mind, heart or decisions that I have to make or take at this time
Let your kingdom come in my life and the precious souls of this earth that you so dearly love show me how to reach the lost and reveal what I have lost and forgotten too. Restore and renew all our souls and lives today with your vision and sight.

Let my heart see as your heart see’s and understands that all my , discernments judgments, and deeds will please and glorify you and bless others in this land . Let my life become your life and gift to the nations of this earth and all of mankind.

Destroy the work of pride and false humility in me before the powers of Jezebel witchcraft and religion contaminate, deceive and blind my very soul and walk with you

Give me the courage and wisdom to face and see who I really am at all times and correct my crooked path when I go astray.
For what good is any life or path that leads to the eternal death and damnation that cuts off our very reward and meaning of life on earth with you.

Oh God my soul cries out to you each day protect us from such a wicked everlasting eternal hell that hunts on earth for all of mankind. No matter the price or the cost deliver us all from such a corrupt of evil and deceitful charm among our families, churches and the world alike and deliver our souls. Wake us up to all reality and truth that no man, ministry, government or devil will snare our very lives.

Let not the direction or reward of your kingdom be robbed from us and cause it to vanish like the wind but cause us by your Holy Spirit to live the good will of your pleasure forevermore.

Oh my Lord Jesus I need you even more today than yesterday to not only protect me from satan ,my enemies and all harm but to protect me, my friends, and the body of Christ from our own selfish and soulish will that will hinder and cut off the very life of your kingdom that lives in us.

Thank you for your love, mercy, friendship and everlasting grace that covers and guides me each and every day. Our freedom is not found in trusting a man ,woman church, Minster or government but it is found when we personally live, serve love and build the kingdom of your will in relationship with you , your ever admiring and loving servant Christopher Cole


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