Dear , friends ,brothers and sisters in Christ I want to personaly thank all of you who have prayed and supported me in this last year for the Lord and His Kingdom. It was your prayers that have pushed us all forward into new beginings a new hope and direction for God's glory and purpose alone.
It is not about one man or any ministry it is about what we have done together for our Lord Jesus Christ. So I most certanily cannot take any credit upon myself for the wonderful things God has birthed through Operation Nineveh into our hearts and lives for it was all of you that birthed such a change for His KIngdom to come where we live.
I am not ashamed to tell you that I both love all of you very much and thank and appreciate you for what you have done for the Lord and me. I most certainaly look forward to seeing and hearing from you all when I return from my rest in the Lord in the new year and I will keep you all updated with prophetic word and where the next meetings will be.
Have a wonderful rest and peacful time in the Lord and dont forget to have some fun too!
In the Lords love always your brother in Christ Christopher Cole
It is not about one man or any ministry it is about what we have done together for our Lord Jesus Christ. So I most certanily cannot take any credit upon myself for the wonderful things God has birthed through Operation Nineveh into our hearts and lives for it was all of you that birthed such a change for His KIngdom to come where we live.
I am not ashamed to tell you that I both love all of you very much and thank and appreciate you for what you have done for the Lord and me. I most certainaly look forward to seeing and hearing from you all when I return from my rest in the Lord in the new year and I will keep you all updated with prophetic word and where the next meetings will be.
Have a wonderful rest and peacful time in the Lord and dont forget to have some fun too!
In the Lords love always your brother in Christ Christopher Cole