SUNDAY JAN 23rd 2006
(Acts 16-26 suddenly there was a GREAT EARTHQUAKE, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.)
The Lord reminded me of the His words He spoke to me back in February of 2005 in
He made a promise to me back then for the Chinese people that the “KING WOULD VISIT BEIJING” and 2006-2007 would be the years He would visit
The TRUE KING of China” Jesus Christ” with a loud shout and command will come through the “EARTHQUAKE”.(Acts16;26) As I prayed I heard the Holy Spirit in a loud voice of authority say again and again “LET MY PEOPLE GO! LET MY PEOPLE GO!” And my heart has been burdened to pray for these beautiful humble people ever since then but the real blessing is being here with them in this season and time.
The revelation of
Very interestingly
I sense that
“KING JESUS” will move over BEIJING in a mighty way very soon that will impact the nation of China with God’s love and freedom like never before (I SENSE multiple earthquakes are coming to China starting this year) I saw huge parts of the world trade center come down in the Spirit through visions and felt the earthquakes move as I traveled in the Beijing subway stations this month.
The Lord said that He will strike a “PROPHETIC SPEAR into the heart of the dragon which represents the serpent Satan in the Spirit realm (which many people do not realize nor understand) and that the devil would lose his grip of the precious Chinese people of this great nation and many millions will publicly come into the Kingdom of God within these next three years 2006 to 2008.
Even the Olympic games coming to Beijing in 2008 is a significant sign with the “NUMBER 8” representing “NEW BEGININGS” biblically and they are due to begin on “08-08-08” which represents the trinity with three eights. Also the Olympic torch represents the forerunner light of Christ coming to
The Lord said even many “key officials” in government would turn to Him and that these unprecedented earthquakes would be part of that catalyst to turn countless beautiful Chinese people towards eternal salvation and we must all be ready to help gather the harvest but not with traditional western church mindsets that have failed in many aspects to do what the Lord wanted His people to do in the west but rather to love and support with unconditional love as in the first century new testament church did without the man made traditions and programs that have bound the Holy Spirit from moving in much of the western churches.
I don’t want to paint a false picture of what is about to come in China many tens of thousands will perish in these soon coming Leviticus 26;18-20 judgments of incredible grace to save the millions. The miracle will be how could so many live through such great disasters?
Key officials of wickedness that oppose and hate God mentioned in psalm 2 will suddenly be gone in these “GREAT QUAKES”. You will see that no man or devil can stop the Lord on this “RESCUE MISSION” to China in this new millennium season of HARVEST AND JUDGMENT” as with the USA , CANADA and other nations too.( The God’s and idols of both communism and capitalism will be judged by the Lord alike in this season)
I feel that this year will go down in history as the year of some of the worlds greatest quakes ever know to man as with hurricanes too much greater than Katrina that hit
We have mostly only seen prejudgment warnings so far but when full blown judgments come many tens of thousands die. I believe the west is about to see such quakes along with China of great magnitude, the dreams, visions, revelations and prophetic words I have personally encountered for the last fourteen years are about to come to pass. Helping people to prepare have been birthed in a very supernatural way that most certainly was not done by me. The doors that have opened have been nothing less than miraculous along this journey of faith.
The Lord Jesus Christ told me this was one of the six nations I had to come too on a prophetic mandate by His Spirit and that this mandate will effect and bring an incredible Historic shift in the Spirit realm that would bring an “UNPRECEDENTED FREEDOM” in the natural to the Body of Christ in China starting this year along with other nations that have been prophesied over.
I acknowledge I am just a tiny fragment of what the Lord is doing in this great nation (Amos 3-7) and that we all have an important role to play but it is up to you to seek the Lord in what you have to do for Him?
Please pray for the billion plus souls to receive and know Jesus Christ as Lord and savior for NOW is the time and season for worldwide “HARVEST & GREAT JUDGMENTS OF HIS GRACE” to come through mighty earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters unlike we have ever seen or witnessed before for it will BEGIN like a “CHAIN REACTION “ across the globe IN 2006 and we the body of Christ must be prepared and joined as one in “KINGDOM UNITY” worldwide on the “HIGHWAY OF HOLINESS”( Isaiah 35;8-9) ready to help each other as the nations will be violently shook in 2006 and 2007 to bring much of the world harvest in.
Remember when you see all these things happen that the Lord is on a “RESCUE MISSION” that cannot be delayed anymore because countless millions will not make it into the KINGDOM OF GOD if they stay focused on self and selfishness,worldly lusts, materialism, false Gods and false beliefs that will lead their precious souls away from SALVATION and true ETERNAL FREEDOM. Or if the poor and needy are not given hope and help they will suffer and perish in their grief and sorrow if the do not find their true KING OF PROMISES that wont be broken or stopped by man.
This has always been God’s priority above all else that He becomes a father to all nations through Jesus Christ His son and if we have to lose all that we have in the world to be with Him eternally in our heavenly home forever more He will let cities and nations be brought to their knees and rubble to find His hope and love of eternal life through Jesus Christ. In this season we will see those that have tried to silence or stop Him find out that none have such authority over Him.
His People especially those that have paid the price through great persecution such as many Chinese Christians have now is the time like never before their prayers will be answered.
The Lord told me that when you see these MIGHTY EARTHQUAKES come to China that millions will be lead out of captivity and that their chains and bonds shall be loosened and that many who do not realize they are in a spiritual prison shall be set free just like those in the west that are imprisoned in a different way to materialism which has become their God.
This is the “TRUE MEANNG OF ACTS 26; 16” in our generation worldwide as you will soon see these DISASTERS OF SALVATION come far greater than ever before seen. Sadly as I have traveled the earth in these last eight months I have found in most countries and cities that only about two to five percent of God’s people are really prepared for what is ahead because of their traditions and confusion about prophets and prophecy or their focus on the word for the season and time we are in many are still living in the past millennium mindset which was a different season to the one we are now in. I have seen generally little evidence of any true change or preparation and that many are still not listening to the Holy Spirit prophetically (Jeremiah 18; 18) because of what they have been taught.
ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE SHAKING OF THE NATIONS (Haggie 2; 7) and if so what have you done yourselves and for others ahead of time? If you do not seek the Lord or prepare you will suffer to along with the world against God’s will. You are meant to be VICTORS NOT VICTIMS as Christians.
There are two types of PRISION that will be greatly impacted; The Chinese Christians that have been “physically imprisoned” for ten, twenty or thirty years for the gospel will be released as these earthquakes come into many areas and cities across this great land of China and “now is the time”.
Secondly those that are in Spiritual Prisons without hope who live without Jesus in their hearts and know this is not what life is meant to be like and there has to be more than what they live now. What will you do to offer such love and support to those both spiritually and physically in need of the times we now live in.
When I visited the GREAT WALL OF CHINA the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said that they were like the “WALLS OF JERICHO” that would soon spiritually come down and there was a sense in the Spirit that as a sign that parts of the great wall of China would come down in some areas too in the natural.
Whether you do nothing or much for the
I leave you with one thought and revelation: this NINE MONTH journey to six nations is a “SPIRITUAL PREGNANCY TERM” and the words that have been spoken prophetically to the world and individual nations will begin to be BIRTHED at the end of this nine month journey ending February 20th 2006. I believe you will see greater
warning signs” BIRTH PANGS” and the fulfillment of many of these prophetic words in the next two years of 2006 and 2007. Great economic collapse will take place along with these natural disasters and far greater terrorist bombings are to come.
But if Jesus is the Lord of your life then you will have nothing to worry about and if His true remnant come together for His Kingdom and not their churches in cities and territories for the good of all then some disasters can be averted as with the GREAT CITY OF NINEVEH in the book of Jonah after all no other faith has been given such authority over the spirit realm.
Either the BOOK OF JONAH will open upon your region or the “BOOK OF NAHUM” that’s how important your actions are. (You will determine what happens to the NINEVEH OF YOUR CITIES) What price are we really willing to pay for unity for His Kingdom to come? Are we looking for others to serve and please us or do we want to serve and please others first? Bless you precious saints of God Christopher Cole